Former President Criticizes Leaving Afghanistan

In a newly released interview, former president George W. Bush didn’t hold back on his criticism of the departure of American and NATO troops from Afghanistan. He warned that ‘the consequences were going to be unbelievably bad’, and said he feared for the safety of women and children as the Taliban made gains across the Middle Eastern nation.

The withdrawal of US and NATO troops set in motion earlier this year by President Biden is currently underway. Taliban fighters have been surging through the country, and now claim to be in control of 85% of the country. However, military intelligence disputes this claim and believes the group’s true hold is closer to 30%.

Bush, whose administration launched the US military invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, expressed concern for the fate of thousands of Afghan translators and their families. The interpreters had aided US and NATO forces throughout the 20-year war effort and will likely now be a target for the Taliban.

“I spent a lot of time with Afghan women, and they’re scared,”

Bush said. The former president doubled down on his stance, condemning the troops’ exit,

“It seems like they’re just going to be left behind to be slaughtered by these very brutal people, and it breaks my heart.”

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