Biden’s Proposed Social Programs


Biden has now been in office for over the 100 days mark and a big proposal has been conveyed since. A social program that would be funded by the “wealthy” at $1.8 trillion.

Key proposals:

Paid Family leave, Child Care/Universal Preschool for 3-4yr olds, Tuition Free Community College

So who exactly is the “rich” that will be funding this?

"This will only apply to three-tenths of a percent of taxpayers, which is not the top 1%. It's not even the the top half of 1%," Brian Deese, the head of the National Economic Council, told White House reporters. "That's about 500,000 households."

To fund the programs and tax perks, the proposal would, in part, reverse key pieces of the 2017 tax-cut law, the key legislative achievement of former President Donald Trump’s first year in office.

The Biden administration’s new spending plan would hike the top income tax rate to 39.6% for the wealthiest Americans. That rate had been cut to 37% for married couples with over $600,000 in taxable income.


Before President Biden was elected to office many within the Democratic Party demanded that he reach closer to their needs as the party is more divided as many than as one. Unity couldn’t be formed without holding accountability or in crucial terms… “holding Biden’s feet to the fire”.

This could be a program Biden knows wouldn't pass and maybe that's why he is proposing it?

This bill sounds like something that would have came out of Bernie Sanders mouth. A social bill to fix the imbalance of society. With midterm elections around the corner what is happening right now is very vital to the parties existence. If accountability isn’t held now, the next presidential elections would have already been too late, at least for the DNC.


The Rundown:

  • $225 billion to create a national comprehensive paid family and medical leave program

  • $225 billion toward high-quality child care and ensuring families pay only a portion of their income toward child-care services, based on a sliding scale

  • $200 billion for free universal preschool for all 3- and 4-year-olds, offered through a national partnership with states

  • $109 billion toward ensuring two years of free community college for all students

  • About $85 billion toward Pell Grants, and increasing the maximum award by about $1,400 for low-income students

  • A $62 billion grant program to increase college retention and completion rates

  • A $39 billion program that gives two years of subsidized tuition for students from families earning less than $125,000 enrolled in a four-year historically Black college or university, tribal college or university, or minority-serving institution

  • $45 billion toward meeting child nutritional needs, including by expanding access to the summer EBT program, which helps some low-income families with children buy food outside the school year

  • $200 billion to make permanent the $1.9 trillion Covid stimulus plan’s provision lowering health insurance premiums for those who buy coverage on their own

  • Extending through 2025, and making permanently fully refundable, the child tax credit expansion that was included in the Covid relief bill

  • Making permanent the recent expansion of the child and dependent care tax credit

  • Making permanent the earned income tax credit for childless workers

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