Rebirth! Mario Strikers: Battle League Set for Release in 2022!

A long-time dormant game has decided to make history once again. Nintendo has finally heard the pleas and prayers of the masses once again and has decided to create the next installment of another popular game, Mario Strikers: Battle League has been announced as one of the few games set to release later on this year and quite honestly, for many Mario fans, it’s the only news worthwhile to us and well worth the wait.

Alot of young fans won’t understand the excitement we older adults feel about this but that’s okay! For today you see, you will learn a little history lesson and along that will feel a sense of pride for how far Nintendo has come. This is big news anyway you want to splice it, for starters let’s talk about the game itself. Super Mario Soccer was first released back on November 18, 2005, on the gaming system: Nintendo GameCube as the latest installment to the Mario family franchise. but the results it produce were far more than expected.

Super Mario Strikers was in a way suppose to mimic FIFA but for a more family friendly environment. But that wasn't the case, as it turns out it literally did the complete opposite and left a sense of starvation for more sports related games to be incorporated into the Nintendo Universe which nobody really had thought about until that moment.

Think about it, the game is just meant to be fun but sometimes in the heat of battle, you lose your sense awareness a little bit and become totally fixated in what's in front of you and that was winning at all cost, even if it's with loveable characters. Of course they added more characters and fun maps to play in so you wouldn't lose sight of how beautifully well developed the game was. The game did pretty well in terms of expectations at the time, well enough that it spawned a second Installment called Mario Strikers Charged to be released on May 25th, 2007.

After 15 years of waiting, we now will get a third installment to this franchise. Battle League is set to release on June 10, 2022 for the Nintendo Switch. Much like its Predecessors, it will be 1 team pitted against another in a 5v5 match. But what fun would the game be if it didn't feature what we all know and love about the Mario World? That's right Items and special abilities will be coming back so you can use the Red shell to confuse your opponent or throw a bomb bomb to cause a big explosion just like your would in Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros! But that won't be the only thing you will be able to do.

A New game Mechanic will be added and they have dubbed it Hyper Strikes. Much like the Ultimate Smash in Super Smash Bros, you activate by grabbing the Orb but to unleash it won't be the same. To activate the ability, you would need to play a simple timing game making it tricky but can possibly land you two points if successful. This offensive aggressive was already crazy enough with the slide tackling, item flying around that adding this will change the dimension of the game all over again for the better!

Did I mention you can also adjust your players stats thanks to Gear purchasing in the game? That's right you can adjust your players stats by changing the equipment the wear to add strength, Speed or Defense. Talk about insane right but also thanks to how far online game play has come, you can now play against others players online or up to 8 players on a local Switch. Mark your Calenders everyone for June 10, for the battle resumes on the soccer field. I will be there waiting, while you be my opponent?


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