Should General Milley resign?


New reporting from the upcoming book "Peril" alleges that General Milley reached out to the CCP in the final months of the Trump presidency, vowing he would warn China if the commander in chief launched an attack.

Now retired Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman insists that if the reporting is accurate Milley's actions went to far. "If this is true General Milley must resign, he usurped civilian authority, broke chain of command, and violated the sacrosanct principle of civilian control over the military. It's an extremely dangerous precedent, you can't simply walk away from that."

On Tuesday Republican Sen. Marco Rubio called on President Biden to fire Milley.

In the new book, authored by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, it alleges that Milley made two secret phone calls to his Chinese counterpart, General Li Zuocheng of the People's Liberation Army. The phone calls took place on October 30, 2020 and two days after the January 6th capitol riot on January 8th 2021
According to the book, the phone calls were never mentioned to former President Trump, as Milley believed his mental state had declined following the election.

"Gen Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we're going to attack, I'm going to call you ahead of time, Milley added as reported by the book "Peril," set to be released next week.


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