New Rules for Casual Mode in Rocket League too strict?


Ever since Rocket League Released Season 4 on August 11, 2021 fans everywhere couldn't wait to play and resume their dominance over their prospect careers, but things aren't the same as seasons past.


This go around though, Psyonix added a twist to casual mode that has Gamers livid with their choice. Instead of being able to quit whenever they pleased to play other modes, tournaments, private matches or with friends, now you are to concede or Forfeit to end the game and it takes 3 votes for it to happen.

This wouldn't be a big deal since most of the game requires you to vote if you wanted to leave early, but in casual mode where players go to warm up, try new moves or even play with friends without the competitiveness that comes with the game, but by doing this psyonix only makes the game balanced by adding a feature for players to lose gracefully.


While that's how the view of it is, RL players dislike the feature and find it annoying since this should have been done from the beginning.

Will this backfire on Psyonix or will this just been forgotten in a few more weeks? Guess the only way we find out is by playing and seeing for yourself…


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