GTA: San Andreas to come to Virtual Reality Gaming!

GTA one of the most iconic Gamings Mongols in this modern era has decided to make a bold attempt, one that if successful, will forever change the gaming world as we know it and pave the way for a better future in the industry.

Ever since its initial release back in Otcober 21 of 1997, GTA introduced a new style of gaming different from the games already on the market like Final Fantasy VII, GoldenEye 007, Star Fox 64, Tomb Raider II and many more but the popularity kept it alive and would serve as its catalyst for its successful run into the future.

It became so popular in fact that they started releasing more GTA games and struck gold when in October 26, 2004 they released its most iconic game of all: San Andreas. GTA:San Andreas is most arguably the reason GTA became even more popular in the gamers and cause of that got a big endorsement 17 years later.

Fast Foward to 2021, Meta (Facebook rebanded) has gone all out to promote its Oculus Quest 2 Virtual Reality headset. Labled as the best VR headsets in the market, Meta states its superior due to the simple fact its hardware inside is capable of running complex games without connection to a Gaming PC and have decided to Release GTA: San Andreas as proof that it will work.

This big news considering the fact how wildly popular this franchise is and how the fans are very demanding of amazing content and rightfully so. Without them, we wouldn’t see such amazing strides in the industry and gaming would be completely different from what we know and love/hate now. But imagine playing the game we all grew up playing in our lifetime in VR and everything we loved about it we could do ourselves thanks to Virtual Reality!!

Doing missions, driving around and hitting people to increase your wanted level or decimating people to try and fight the military asap all while doing it In person thanks to VR. If the were able to recreate the same level of violence in even better quality, not only will it change the franchise forever, gaming as we know it will take a dramatic turn towards the future!!

If successful, will change how VR gaming works and bring about a future where you can actually put your subconscious mind into a VR headsets and actually play games in real time like if you were born there! The only bummer is we don’t know when GTA: San Andreas will release on the Quest 2 although they stated that they will release it this year, so we must wait with anticipation as to when we will get Meta's attempt to change history. Until then keep yours eye open for the future of gaming, its closer than we think!


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