Susan Sarandon Leads Protest Against “Squad”

“We are losing hope that you represent us”

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“I’m here to say to the Squad, and especially AOC, who, you know, did make a lot of promises, that we still have faith in you and we would like to see if you have a better plan than we’ve been able to see, please share it,” Ms Sarandon told the assembled crowd using a megaphone.

The protesters were demanding that Ms Ocasio-Cortez “call on Biden to declare a pandemic public health emergency and expand Medicare to every American using Section 1881A of the Social Security Act”.

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Sarandon added in her speech: “It’s so difficult for people that are independent to get elected in the first place – and then to see the very people that sponsored the bill not stand up for it, is very disheartening.”

Sarandon is known for her great acting career in movie such as Step Mom, Dead Man Walking, Little Women & more. She is one of the few celebrities that has fully committed to standing up to corporate America. She has risked it all for good moral.


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