Who was John McAfee?


Remember the Anti-Virus Disc you would pop into your computer? That was him!

John McAfee a computer programmer, businessman, and two-time presidential candidate who unsuccessfully sought the Libertarian Party nomination for president of the United States in 2016 and 2020. In 1987, he wrote the first commercial anti-virus software, founding McAfee Associates to sell his creation.

McAfee's wealth peaked in 2007 at $100 million

McAfee advocated increased cyber awareness, and more action against the threat of cyberwarfare. He pushed religious liberty, saying that business owners should be able to deny service in circumstances that contradict their religious beliefs, adding: "No one is forcing you to buy anything or to choose one person over another. So why should I be forced to do anything if I am not harming you? It's my choice to sell, your choice to buy."

He ran back in 2016 with his created party the "Cyber Party”, later running as Libertarian in the Libertarian Party. He would also run in 2020.

In October 2020, McAfee was arrested in Spain over U.S. tax evasion charges. U.S. federal prosecutors brought criminal and civil charges alleging that McAfee had failed to pay income taxes over a four-year period.

On 23 June 2021, he was found dead, due to “suicide” by hanging, in a prison cell near Barcelona, shortly after his extradition to the U.S. was authorized by the Spanish National Court.

Many find his death suspicious with other famous conspiracies revolving around Jeffery Epstein and with the Clintons.

This tweet put out by McAfee while he was still living, showing a tattoo “$WHACKD”


For more on this topic checkout our show the “Liberator”


He Stood up to the Elites -Mike Gravel (1930-2021)


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