Alternative Sources


We talk alternatives to social media as well as alternatives sources in general as the main stream sources aren't cutting it!

Back in the day we had happy places like MySpace, Bebo & of course YouTube to look at funny videos as well as anything UFOs and Conspiracies!

Social media was a great place to stay connected to friends. It was simply that. Your only worries was finding a song to put on your page and decent wallpaper for your profiles backdrop. To be honest the toughest decision was picking your “Top 8” friends and hoping friendships wouldn’t be ruined!

In today’s age it is very different… Companies now sell your information and gain big profits. No we aren’t talking about China! This is right here on the home front. Mainstream social media takes it a step further by also picking and choosing what you see and how you see it. Its called censorship at its finest!

Doing your own research isn’t enough nowadays, Google Search you say? Even Google picks and chooses what they put as top results and well say goodbye to those conspiracies videos on YouTube as the video platform has been cleaning house for years now.

There is an answer though! We breakdown a list below as well as cover the topic on our show the “Liberator”, feel free to check it out!











Valdez Top Picks:

Mewe as an alternative to Facebook

Rumble as a full alternative to YouTube

DuckDuckGo as an alternative over Google search

Discord is a community setup for everyone but started by Gamers

Mateos Top Picks:

Minds as an overall alternative

BitChute as an alternative to YouTube geared towards conspiracies

DuckDuckGo as an alternative over Google search

Discord is a community setup for everyone but started by Gamers

What alternative sources are you using or are now interested in using? Comment your interests below!


Mountain View Completes to SR 201


If you shake a jar full of black & red ants what happens?